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Issue 22

Who are you without me?

Mika Haykowsky

Issue No. 22 • Spring 2021

Artist Statement

Focusing on the performing body and how it is consumed on and off screen, I conduct artistic research into where the boundaries lay between healing, gender, and the dimensions of technology. With a centripetal focus on the body, the work begins inside and manifests in experimental mediums including drawing, sculpture, photography and performance-based video.My process involves energetic bursts of manipulating objects and lens-based experiments. I formulate temples for the body, with intimacy, care, and public health in mind. I experience the body, as a changing and morphing entity, much like how they view my own identity, in flux.

Artist Bio

Mika Haykowsky is a multimedia artist based in Amiskwaciwâskahikan (Edmonton, Canada). From their vibrant studio, Mika launches into creative projects that flow around the human body, intimacy, eco-feminism, and healing. Their work is a site of uncomfortable union between objects designed for the body, digital reproductions of their body, and the bodies of viewers. Mika received an MFA in 2019 from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and a BFA in 2016 from the University of Alberta. They continue to exhibit internationally and virtually, while striving to work with community, collaboration and teaching. Upcoming is a Mother-Daughter 10-Year Artist Anniversary Exhibition at the Carrot Art & Coffee House in Edmonton.